Usage / Example

This section provides examples of how to utilize Table Generator's components to construct tables dynamically.

Creating a Basic Table

You can create a simple table using Table and its child components:

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Table;
use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Thead;
use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Tbody;
use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Tr;
use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Th;
use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Td;

$thead = new Thead([
    new Tr([
        new Th("Id"),
        new Th("Name"),
        new Th("Email")

$tbody = new Tbody([
    new Tr([
        new Td("1"),
        new Td("John Doe"),
        new Td("")
    new Tr([
        new Td("2"),
        new Td("Jane Doe"),
        new Td("")

$table = new Table();


echo $table->render();
The Output
            <td>John Doe</td>
            <td>Jane Doe</td>

Adding Rows Dynamically

You can dynamically add rows to a Tbody after creation:

$tbody = new Tbody();

$tbody->addTr(new Tr([
    new Td("3"),
    new Td("Alice"),
    new Td("")

Using Collections to Manage Rows

Instead of consecutively adding Tr elements, you can use TrCollection:

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Collection\TrCollection;

$rows = new TrCollection([
    new Tr([
        new Td("4"),
        new Td("Bob"),
        new Td("")
    new Tr([
        new Td("5"),
        new Td("Charlie"),
        new Td("")


The method Tbody::setTrCollection() will actually replace the existing TrCollection.
Instead of replacing, you can append more rows by getting the TrCollection instance that exists in the Tbody

$trCollection = $tbody->getTrCollection();

$trCollection->append(new Tr());
$trCollection->append(new Tr());

Customizing Table Attributes

You can set attributes such as class, style, data-* etc for table elements in 2 ways:

1. Passing it to the constructor.

Depending on the table component being instantiated, the attributes may be accepted in the first or second argument

// The first parameter of Tbody accepts null, a TrCollection or an array of Tr
$tbody = new Tbody(null, [
    'class' => 'tbody',
    'data-id' => 'uuid-0001',
// The parameter of Table accepts an Attributes instance or an array of attributes
$table = new Table(['class' => 'table']);
2. Getting the Attributes instance and updating it
    ->set("class", "table table-striped")
    ->set("id", "user-table")

When rendered, this generates:

<table class="table table-striped" id="user-table">...</table>

Tips for passing attributes

Component Parameter 1 Parameter 2
Table & Col Attributes
Caption & CellInterface Arbitrary Data Attributes
Others Array or Collection Attributes

These examples showcase the flexibility and ease of use of Table Generator, allowing developers to build structured and dynamic tables efficiently.

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