How to display image in a column

In some cases, table data includes image paths or URLs, such as user profile pictures, product images, or icons. Instead of displaying raw text, you can format these values as images using middleware.

Create an ImageColumnMiddleware

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Abstraction\AbstractMiddleware;
use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Td;
use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Contracts\CellInterface;
use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Contracts\TableSegmentInterface;
use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Tr;
use Ucscode\UssElement\Node\ElementNode;

class ImageColumnMiddleware extends AbstractMiddleware
    public function process(Table $table): void
        $this->iterateCellsIn($table, function (CellInterface $cell) {

            // Check if the column should contain an image
            if ($cell->getMeta()->get('columnName') === 'profile_picture') {

                // Get image URL from cell data
                $imageUrl = $cell->getData();

                // Create an img element
                $image = new ElementNode('img', [
                    'src' => $imageUrl,
                    'alt' => 'Profile Picture',
                    'width' => '100',
                    'height' => '10',

                // Set image as the new cell content

Use the ImageColumnMiddleware in the TableGenerator
$tableGenerator = new TableGenerator($adapter, new ImageColumnMiddleware());

// Render the table
echo $tableGenerator->render();

Expected Output

Name Profile Picture
John Doe John's Pic
Jane Doe Jane's Pic

This middleware ensures that image URLs are converted into proper <img> elements inside the table.

Source Code
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