
Each HTML table element has a corresponding class representation in Table Generator. These classes provide an object-oriented way to construct and manipulate table structures programmatically.

Table Row (Tr)

The Tr class represents a <tr> (table row) element.

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Tr;

$tr = new Tr();

Table Header (Th)

The Th class represents a <th> (table header cell) element.

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Th;

$th = new Th("Header");

Table Data (Td)

The Td class represents a <td> (table data cell) element.

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Td;

$td = new Td("Data");

Table Head (Thead)

The Thead class represents a <thead> element, which groups header rows in a table.

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Thead;

$thead = new Thead();

Table Body (Tbody)

The Tbody class represents a <tbody> element, which groups body rows in a table.

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Tbody;

$tbody = new Tbody();

Table Footer (Tfoot)

The Tfoot class represents a <tfoot> element, which groups footer rows in a table.

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Section\Tfoot;

$tfoot = new Tfoot();

Column (Col)

The Col class represents a <col> element, used to apply styles to entire columns.

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Col;

$col = new Col();

Column Group (ColGroup)

The ColGroup class represents a <colgroup> element, grouping multiple <col> elements together.

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\ColGroup;

$colGroup = new ColGroup();

Caption (Caption)

The Caption class represents a <caption> element, which provides a title for the table.

use Ucscode\HtmlComponent\TableGenerator\Component\Caption;

$caption = new Caption("Table Title");

Each of these classes provides methods for setting attributes, adding child elements, and rendering the corresponding HTML structure.

Source Code
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